Please hurry. Obtaining a High Number of PMP PDUs for Your PMP Certification

Earning a project management credential is only the first step in a long process that requires the PMI credential holder to fulfill the requirement for PMP PDUs in order to keep the PMP credential. The PMP credential certifies your knowledge and experience in meeting project-specific requirements. The certification demonstrates your commitment to your profession, organization, clients, and inclination.

How Do You Keep Your PMP Credential?

Obtaining 60 PDUs over a three-year period is certainly not a big deal. Proper planning assists you in obtaining PDUs through a variety of means, such as opting for e-learning, becoming involved in PMP chapters, participating in community activities, and many others. Here are some pointers to help you keep your PMP credential.

Making immediate plans to obtain PDUs without waiting for the cycle to begin is a good place to start.

Keep personal folders to document all of your claims for PMP PDUs.

Every activity should be reported as soon as possible after completion, allowing you to efficiently complete your activity-reporting form.

Use the opportunity to transfer PDUs from the previous year of your current cycle. PMP holders have the ability to transfer up to 20 PDUs.

Obtaining the PMP places you in an active status, which requires you to earn 60 PDUs every three years to keep this credential active. So here comes the significance of Professional Development Units (PDUs), which have consistently dominated our thoughts, conversations, and free time. Prior planning can make the process of purchasing PDUs much easier. Professionals, on the other hand, want a consistent and quick way to earn PDUs.

Obtaining a high number of PDUs can assist you in obtaining a PMP certification. Earning a credential is only the first step in a long process that will require the PMI credential holder to fulfill the requirement for PMP PDUs.

How can working professionals achieve this simply by doing what they do? You can increase the number of PDUs you have by leveraging your day-to-day work. Here are some PDU-eligible activities that may currently be a part of your current role.

Utilize PMI Publication Quizzes

Depending on your CCR requirements, taking PMI publication quizzes can earn you up to 2.5 PDUs.

Your Current Position

Working as a project manager can provide you with a flat 25% of the PDUs you need to meet your PDU requirements. In the case of project management service practitioners who have been in the field for at least 6 months, you can earn up to 5 PDUs per year.

PM Association Volunteering

Becoming a local volunteer of your PM association, whether as a committee member, elected officer, or project manager, can earn you 1 PDU for every hour of service provided.

On the Move with PDUs

PDUs can be obtained by watching monthly webinars delivered by PDU Podcast featuring multiple presenters at any time and from any location.

Get PDUs Just for Listening to PM Podcasts, which feature interviews with project management experts from around the world. Listening to these podcasts will also earn you PDUs. However, the number of PDUs associated with such podcasts is relatively small.

Academic Education

Formal project management educational courses provide 10-15 PDUs per semester, making it one of the most convenient ways to accumulate PDUs. Candidates on a tight budget can take project management courses at local community colleges, which will earn them some PDUs.

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