What’s the easiest way to get PMP PDUs?

If you are a PMP certification holder, you should retain your certification in each three years. Otherwise, your PMP certification would expire and you would have to re-appear for the PMP certification exam. For retaining your certification, you should earn 60 PMP PDUs in each three years. Then, you should also apply to PMI for renewing your PMP certification. 

These are the PMP Certification PDU Credits requirements, which the candidates should be careful when earning PMP Certification PDU Credits. There would be about 10 different ways for earning PMP PDU. Five of these come in the category of Education category and the other five come in the category of Giving Back. We are going to explore some of them, which are easy to earn. Do check out the SPOTO PMP Exam Dumps to ensure success in obtaining the PMP Certification.

1. Course or Training

Course or training is considered to be one of the most popular ways of acquiring PMP PDU hours. There would be several classroom as well as online PMP PDU courses. Once you would have enrolled in a course or training, you would be able to earn PDUs associated with that activity. The easiest, most convenient as well as affordable way to obtain PMP PDU is, attending PMP PDU Courses Online. 

2. Organization Meetings

Organization meeting is considered to be another easy way of earning PDUs under category of education. Meetings, activities as well as local events regarding to project management fall under this category. Generally, these meetings don’t bring more than 1 or 2 PDUs. PMI chapters as well as other project management associations might be organizing these kinds of meetings locally throughout the annum.

3. Online or Digital Media

We are in the age of online and digital world. Of course, online or digital media is considered to be one of the ways of acquiring PDUs. Webinars, podcasts videos, as well as other similar online or digital resources could be utilized for earning PDU hours. For illustration, you could watch videos in our YouTube channel for earning PDUs. You could observe our free PMP PDU webinars as well as free PMP PDU podcasts.

4. Read

Reading is another way for obtaining PDUs from Education category. Self-directed reading could bring you PDUs. Reading project management relevant articles, magazines, blogs as well as similar resources would be able to help you out in earning PDUs.

5. Creating Content for Getting PMP PDU

Creating project management relevant content is considered to be a contribution to the project management profession as well as this is a way of acquiring PDUs as well. You could author a book or you could write as a guest author in a project management blog, you could give presentations in webinars, write an article for a project management magazine or conferences. These would be an example of creating content subcategory of Giving Back PMP PDU category.

There are more ways to obtain the PDUs, but the above mentioned are some easy ways to obtain it. If you are looking forward to obtain this PMP Certification in single attempt, you should opt for the SPOTO PMP Exam Dumps. When it comes to PMP Preparation, SPOTO PMP Exam Dumps are the best.

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