How to Upload PDUs and Navigate the PMI Certification Process

The Project Management Institute (PMI)® changed its Continuous Certification Requirements on December 1st, 2015. (CCR). While the total number of PMP PDUs required for each three-year re-certification cycle of the PMP® remains at 60, there are several changes to the types of PDUs required to maintain your certification. Other PMI certifications have also undergone changes.

This article will explain how to upload the PMP PDUs you earn from SPOTO Learning training courses to the Project Management Institute (PMI®) website – so you can get your PMP certification as soon as possible.

The Project Management Institute (PMI)® changed its Continuous Certification Requirements on December 1st, 2015. (CCR). While the total number of PMP PDUs required for each three-year re-certification cycle of the PMP® remains at 60, there are several changes to the types of PDUs required to maintain your certification. Other PMI certifications have also undergone changes.

This article will explain how to upload the PMP PDUs you earn from SPOTO Learning training courses to the Project Management Institute (PMI®) website – so you can get your PMP certification as soon as possible.

What Exactly Are PMP PDUs?

Professional Development Units are abbreviated as PDUs. Because PMI® is all about continuous growth and learning, you will need to acquire PDUs as part of PMI® CCR programming to maintain your certification after you receive your Project Management certification.

PDUs are classified into two categories: “education” and “giving back to the profession.”

Education PDUs are essentially the same as contact hours–so if you’re getting a certification for the first time, don’t be concerned if the PMI® application form requests your PDUs. They’d like to know how many formal training hours you’ve completed. SPOTO Learning provides a variety of training programs geared toward various PMI® certifications.

To receive certification beginning in December 2015, you must have a minimum of 35 PDUs in each of the three new skill areas: technical project management, leadership, and strategic and business management. These three areas combine to form the PMI Talent Triangle®.

This article will explain how to upload PDUs to the PMI website as soon as possible so that you can receive your Project Management certification.

How Many Education PMP PDUs Will I Require?

Different PMI® certifications necessitate a different number of PDUs, with a specific breakdown of technical, leadership, and strategic PDUs. For example, if you want to renew your PMP® or PgMP® Certification, you’ll need 60 PDUs total: 35 education PDUs and 25 giving back to the professional PDUs.

You will need a minimum of 8 technical PDUs, 8 leadership PDUs, and 8 strategic PDUs from the 35 education PDUs. You can select the remaining 11 education PDUs from the three categories based on your preferences.

Visit the PMI® website to determine the exact number of PDUs required for the certification you desire! The PMI-ACP®, PMI-RMP®, and PMI-SP® now each require only 30 PDUs.

After completing SPOTO Learning training and receiving your PDUs, you must upload the information to the PMI website. ®’s You can only take the certification exam after you have uploaded your PDUs, so do so as soon as possible!

To Upload PDUs to the PMI Website, Follow These Steps.

Visit to access PMI® CCRS.

Click the Report PDUs button.

Choose the proper PDU Category (Continuing education – Category B).

Fill in the date and duration of your training with SPOTO Learning as the course provider.

Mention the name of the course and the activity ID of the training you completed.

Declare the activity and describe the processes and knowledge areas addressed, as well as the application area.

Indicate the number of PDUs obtained.

Please submit the form.

If you have any further questions about the process, please refer to the PMI instructions.

The Project Management Institute, Inc. owns the trademarks PMP®, PgMP®, PMI-ACP®, PMI-RMP®, and PMI-SP®.

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